Local representation for Grampians Health Stawell Community Reference Group
Grampians Health has delivered on its commitment to establish Community Reference Groups (CRGs) to provide input into the provision and implementation of its services on an ongoing basis.
The CRGs represent the regions of each of the four health services that merged to form Grampians Health. Chief Strategy and Regions Officer for Grampians Health, Dr Rob Grenfell, said each group had solid representation but there was room for more to be involved in this ‘public face’ of Grampians Health.
“We are thrilled to welcome our local representatives to the CRGs, who have volunteered their time and experience to help us make the best decisions for the Grampians Health community,” Dr Grenfell said.
“The CRGs have been established as an ongoing source of community connection through local representatives who meet with us on a regular basis. This was a commitment we made at the formation of Grampians Health to ensure that regional voices continue to be heard and local communities remain an active part of our health service.
“The first members across the region have been appointed and we are fortunate to have Stawell local Amelia Kingston to chair the Stawell CRG.
“Amelia has lived in Stawell nearly all her life, and is passionate about community members having a say in their local health service and ensuring the community has the best local healthcare possible. She is heading a diverse network of community representatives who will keep Grampians Health informed of community sentiment around local health issues.”
Ms Kingston said it was important that the group had representation from across the Stawell region, and that she was looking forward to the group being able to provide significant input into the new health service.
“The CRG benefits the community going forward because it gives everyone a method and a voice to say what they think in a safe environment and that is then considered by the Consumer Advisory Committee and taken to Grampians Health management,” Ms Kingston said. “In an age when everything has gone digital, it’s really important to be able to have a group where people can come together and discuss ideas and potential issues within Grampians Health and importantly to find ways to move forward on them.
“As a long-time community member, and a person who is still in the workforce and has a small child it’s important to me that everyone can have their say, regardless of their generation. I’m very committed to the Stawell area and I intend on being here for the rest of my life.
“I’m a big advocate for going out and doing things you want done, and finding a way that you can make the biggest difference. I think that’s our duty to our community, and if you have the time then you should put it in.”
The four established CRGs – representing Ballarat, Stawell, Edenhope and Horsham/Dimboola – report into Grampians Health via a Community Advisory Committee. This committee is made up of two members from each of the CRGs including the representative chairs, and four Grampians Health board members.
The CRG meets at least quarterly. The Stawell CRG members are:
- Amelia Kingston (Chair)
- Karen Hyslop (Deputy Chair)
- Michelle Jess
- Noelene Gration
- Peter Martin
- Rosalind Byass
Profiles of these Stawell representatives can be found at https://srh.org.au/about/community-reference-group-stawell/