National recognition for Stawell nurse

A Stawell nurse has been awarded a highly-prized scholarship with the Australian College of Nursing.

Mandie White only completed her Division One Nursing degree two years ago but has been quickly recognised by her peers as a future leader. She regularly works as a charge nurse in the Simpson acute ward at Grampians Health’s Stawell campus.

More recently Mandie was honoured with a scholarship into the ACN’s Emerging Nurse Leader program – one of only a dozen scholarships gifted throughout Australia. The program empowers nurses to achieve their goals and aspirations through personal and professional development.

One of Mandie’s mentors, joint Nurse Unit Manager for Simpson ward Kylie Davey said she was thrilled for Mandie and the achievement was thoroughly deserved.

“Mandie is highly regarded and much respected at Stawell,” Ms Davey said.

“We are presently going through a period of upskilling our staff and we have some opportunities to fill some ANUM positions and Mandie is one of a few newer nurses to our team who is growing in her role.

“When we are under pressure people really enjoy working with Mandie because she creates such a calming environment and her leadership is shown through that calmness.

“The Emerging Nurse Leader course that Mandie is doing will continue to help her seek opportunities that are created in our healthcare system. We are so proud of her and happy to support her in any way we can.”

Mandie said the course had opened her to a broader view of nursing.

“I’m learning specialist skills that are not taught in undergraduate training such as how to deal with conflict resolution among patients and family members,” Mandie said.

“I’m also learning how to network with people and I have mentors to support me, not just at Stawell but across the country.

“I also get to attend a nursing forum in Cairns in August so I’m looking forward to that.”

Grampians Health Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Leanne Shea said the supportive mentoring of the nurses at Stawell was a great example of how Grampians Health is growing a workforce that is empowered, well trained safe and connected.

“I congratulate Mandie on her recognition and wish her the very best with her studies,” Ms Shea said.

“With the guidance and support she is getting, Mandie will be a great leader in the Grampians Health team.”