RSL, CWA and Grampians Toy Club support Stawell Regional Health and Murray to Moyne’s Stawell Sprockets.

We receive lots of support from local businesses and we are very grateful to them. We also receive support from charitable organisations. This year from Marnoo CWA, Lions Club of Stawell and Grampians Toy Club.

Thank you for your support, (and in the case of Marnoo CWA – thank you for asking us to share a delicious lunch with you!)

The Lions Club don’t just support us financially, they also support Murray to Moyne organisers directing traffic when the riders come through town, notifying the police that the event is coming up and helping to make sure that everyone is safe.

Libby Fifis Acting CEO Stawell Regional Health and Kevin Damon from Grampians Toy Club
Kevin Damon from Grampians Toy Club hands a cheque to Libby Fifis Acting CEO Stawell Regional Health.


Marnoo CWA
Ladies from Marnoo CWA who have supported the Stawell Sprockets fundraiser for Stawelll Regional Health for many years.




Lions Club members
Left to right: Stuart Beasley, Max Kennedy and Ian Taylor representing the Stawell Lions Club who have supported Stawell Regional Health and Murray to Moyne for some time.