Future Planning for Stawell Regional Health – Have your Say
Stawell Regional Health is inviting the community to participate in future planning for health services through a range of consultation activities from 1 March to 21 May 2021.
Stawell Regional Health undertook Strategic Planning in 2019 that focused on a 3-year strategy for our health service and the Board has confirmed the need for a long-term plan for the next 10-20 years.
The healthcare environment is changing at an unprecedented rate. The Board wants to ensure that Stawell continues to have a health service that is viable well into the future, provides the services the community needs and has an active role in the region’s service delivery model for the benefit of our entire region.
We want to plan for the future, find new ways to address challenges, provide more services and most of all, to ensure Stawell Regional Health is a service that cares for our community well into the future. We want to ensure people get the right care, at the right time, in the right place – and to deliver care close to home where possible, through the health service.
During the past 12 months we learnt how well the Grampians Region works together (particularly during COVID-19) and by doing so, we can support a much stronger approach to health care for everyone.
We are now launching the opportunity to participate in Stawell Regional Health’s biggest consultation process ever held. We are wanting to hear your views on health service priorities and opportunities from 1 March, continuing for a 12-week consultation period and closing on 21 May 2021.
We will provide a range of ways for you, our community, to provide feedback and your thoughts on what you love about Stawell Regional Health, what you think we could do better, what you want the future to look like, what’s important to you in terms of local healthcare delivery now and over the next 10-20 years, and any questions/ideas you have. This is the single biggest opportunity we have ever provided to hear our Community’s voice.
A conversation has begun in the region, between Wimmera Health Care Group (Horsham and Dimboola) and Ballarat Health Service that may involve either stronger partnerships or a possible voluntary amalgamation between the two services. We have chosen to actively participate in this conversation, to enable us to gain a solid understanding of what is happening in our region – and what opportunities and/or impacts there may be for the Stawell Regional Health and our community.
As we plan for our future we need to consider what services we need to provide – and how best to provide them.
- Can we meet the needs of our community by remaining a stand-alone health service?
- Would there be benefits in strengthening our partnerships with other health services?
- Or should we be thinking about a voluntary amalgamation within the region?
Your active engagement on this matter will inform the Board’s decision on what that future might look like. The information you provide will inform a long-term plan for Stawell Regional Health and will guide us in relation to our role in regional opportunities.
We are a strong health service with a proud history, and what we do want to do is to sit at the same table and play an active role in the decision-making processes that will inform healthcare for the whole Grampians region.
We want you to have a seat at the table and to shape out future plan by participating in a range of consultation opportunities, including surveys, meetings, community consultation sessions, focus groups and submissions.
Information will be provided through emails/letters to stakeholders, local media, social media, printed information, website and meetings. Consultation will begin on Monday, 1 March 2021.
You are welcome to click here to complete a short Feedback Form
For more information and to contact us:
Email to: consultation@srh.org.au
Write to: ATT: CEO, Stawell Regional Health – PO Box 800, Stawell, VIC 3380
Phone: (03) 5358 8500