Frequently Asked Questions
Who can I contact for further information or to answer any questions?
For additional information or assistance, please contact our main reception which is located in Building A by calling (03) 5358 8500. They can provide details on general patient information, ward visiting hours, and hospital facilities and services.
What should I bring with me to hospital?
To ensure a comfortable stay at the hospital, it’s advisable to bring the following items:
- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shaver, deodorant, etc.)
- Nightwear and comfortable clothing
- Comfortable footwear, like non-slip slippers or trainers
- All medications in their original pharmacy packaging
- Relevant scans or X-rays
- Glasses and any personal aids (hearing aids, walking aids, dentures, CPAP machine)
- Medicare card, and if applicable, health benefit card, pensioner health card, or health fund membership card
- A small amount of cash (around $20) for newspapers, snacks, and other day-to-day items
- Books and magazines
Note: Patients are responsible for their personal items, so bring only what is necessary for your hospital stay.
Where can I park?
- There is limited car parking available on the hospital grounds.
- There is also free on-street parking in both Sloane street & Wimmera street.
- We recommend organising a friend or family member to drive you to a from the hospital for extended stays.
Can I have visitors?
Yes. However, as part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, reduced visiting hours and visitor numbers are in place.
Grampians Health Stawell is committed to keeping our community safe. There are PPE stations at each entrance. Wearing a mask is required if you are visiting a patient/resident area or have an appointment (including Simpson ward, Macpherson Smith Residential Care, Community Rehabilitation Centre, Oncology Centre, Urgent Care Centre and other clinical areas). No mask is required when you are not in a patient area (including reception areas, corridors and Hilltop Café). We also encourage you to wear a mask if you have any symptoms of illness.
What can I eat?
As an inpatient, all your meals are provided by our Food Services Department to ensure nutritional balance.
For visitors, food and refreshments are available for purchase at our recently refurbished Hilltop Café, located in Building A.
Can I smoke during my stay or while visiting Stawell Hospital?
Smoking is not permitted during your stay or while visiting Stawell Hospital. All campuses of Grampians Health are smoke-free, and smoking is prohibited within all buildings and hospital grounds.
Are there additional support services for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders?
Yes, our hospital provides additional support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders through the employment of Aboriginal Liaison Officers (ALO). These officers are available to assist patients and their families. For more information, please feel free to discuss this with your medical team.
Where can I get test kits for COVID-19?
We have COVID-19 test kits available from our main reception during business hours.
I have been diagnosed as being at risk of anaphylaxis, how do I manage my anaphylaxis while I am in hospital and when I go home?
- Immediately tell a staff member if you use your auto-injector
- Make sure you discuss all your allergies and past reactions with the staff caring for you
- Keep your adrenaline (epinephrine) auto-injector (commonly known by the trade name EpiPen®) with you when you are hospital
- Staff will discuss with you, your family, or your carer where to keep your auto-injector so you can access it quickly and easily.
- Read and download the Information for patients with severe allergies_2021.