New Theatre Equipment

This year we have been very fortunate to add to our wonderful array of state of the art equipment. The equipment has been purchased through funding made available by the Department of Health and Human Services, donations and the fundraising of our support groups.
New orthopaedic equipment includes:
• Three sets of arthroscopy instruments to replace older equipment are used by the surgeons to conduct knee surgery.
• A new cordless powerpro drill which improves ease of use for our surgical team and reduces the risk of infection for our patients.
The anaesthetic department has two new pieces of equipment.
• The Alaris Anaesthetic syringe pump is used by anaesthetists to deliver drugs to our patients.
• We also purchased paediatric specifi c software which can be used with the syringe pump, to deliver drugs to children.
New urology equipment includes the purchase of two cystocopes (a cystocope is a special tube with a small camera on the end used to look at the bladder) and light source connector.
A donation from the Ladies Auxiliary enabled the purchase of a mini lithotomy HoverMatt. This is used for safely positioning patients for surgery and aligns with our no lift policy and guidelines for staff.
Our sterilising department have a wonderful new Heat Sealer which is used in processing our reusable equipment for theatre. This piece of machinery features great IT software which assists with data reporting and servicing.
A donation from a loyal supporter of the hospital has enabled the purchase of four ophthalmology trolleys used for eye surgery. These trolleys can be used for patients undergoing any surgical procedure however have special equipment available for eye surgery. The trolleys also have hand held remote controls for ease of patient use. These trolleys will now replace our old trolleys.
The purchase of an iPad has allowed us to take photos of equipment that:
• needs to be sent for repair,
• new equipment for our records and
• loan equipment that we receive for joint surgery.
However the most popular use of the ipad has been by the children coming for surgery, who use it to play games and watch their favourite cartoon characters prior to or after surgery. Parents love it too!